Our Successes

Our Students Gain Admissions to the Top Schools that Best Fit Their Passions

We have worked with exceptional students who gained admission to schools including Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Stanford, Yale, MIT, Cal Tech, Princeton, Columbia, Dartmouth, Cornell, Chicago, Penn, Brown, Duke, Northwestern, Pomona, Tufts, Washington University, Carnegie Mellon, Johns Hopkins, Rice, Notre Dame, Swarthmore, Virginia, Georgetown, Barnard, Emory, Williams, Wesleyan, Middlebury, Brandeis, Boston College, NYU, Michigan, Vanderbilt, UCLA, UC Berkeley, UCSD, UC Davis, UCSB, UCSC, University of Georgia, Georgia Tech, UT Austin, Harvey Mudd, Pomona, Claremont McKenna, Scripps, Pitzer, USC, Bates, Colgate, Colby, William & Mary, U. Rochester, Boston U, Illinois, Rensselear, UBC, Wisconsin, U.Washington, Oberlin, GWU, American, Santa Clara, Occidental, LMU, Willamette, USD, and many others.


We are profoundly grateful for the close relationships with students and families we've developed over the years. A large portion of our business is through siblings and referrals from very gratified clients.

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Exceptional Students

We are honored to have worked with a two-time IOI GOLD Medalist, Regeneron/Intel Science Talent Search Finalist and Semifinalists, Siemens Competition Semifinalists, Regeneron STS Award Winners, the #1 Lincoln Douglas U.S. Debate Champion, students who have published in both science and humanities refereed journals, Grand Winners of the National Young Musicians Showcase and winners in the United States Open Music Competition ...

... as well as students that have spawned organizations from school clubs and social movements to websites, blogs, documentaries and legal 501c3 non-profits ... to serve missions they care most about in this world.

“Starting early is key to Compass to College helping get your teen to the next level. Starting when Annie was a freshman, our counselor helped us select the right classes in school, guided us to broaden Annie’s world by looking at interesting enrichment programs outside of school, and found ways to sharpen Annie’s leadership opportunities. …Thank you for getting our daughter into Stanford, her dream school.”

—parent of Annie H.